Thursday, March 19, 2009

From the Wilds of Pilanesberg to the Pristine Gardens of Pretoria

The morning not only started very early but also cold, dark and rainy. But the difficult start was worthwhile as we were able to observe during our early morning safari even more of the same animals we had already seen and also some giraffes. One group was even able to observe a lion feasting on the carcass of a wildebeast.

From Pilanesberg we traveled to Lesedi Cultural Village where we were able to experience a bit of the culture of four ethnic groups of South Africa. After a tour we were treated to a dance extravaganza and a lunch of ostrich and crocodile where some were surprised to find that ostrich tastes like beef. (Finally something that doesn't taste like chicken!)

After lunch we traveled to Pretoria, one of four capital cities in South Africa. We visited the Union Buildings and surrounding pristine terraced gardens of indigenous plants where Nelson Mandela was sworn in as South Africa's first black president.

All in all, a very full, exhausting and satisfying day was had by everyone.


  1. Hi Anna!

    Just wanted to say hi and we miss you! We hope that you are having a fun time. Cant wait to see you when you get back!

    Safe travels back home and lots of love,

    Grandpa,Granny, and Hannah

  2. Hi Anna!
    So glad you are having this experience and can't wait to hear about it in person!!! Saw that grandpa Lou signed so thought I'd say hi!
    Love to you dear girl - Deb

  3. Hello Dr. Rieck and Wocettes:

    Thank you for taking the time to write about your travels. The blog has allowed us back home to travel vicariously through you. The trip has been amazing and I can't wait to see pictures. Thank you Dr. Rieck, and to all that made this trip possible. Thanks to the Wocettes for being such fine representatives of the UW-EC and ambassadors of the United States. Wishing you a wonderful last day and safe travels home.

    All the best,

    Kathy Sletten
    **Love ya Elizabeth

  4. Manda and Cheryl,
    You will soon be back in Eau Claire with enough memories to last a long time. It still gives me shivers to realize what you have seen and done. What an opportunity. Thanks to the Wocettes doing the blog, we reallly appreciate it!
    Can hardly wait to talk with you. Anne and Bruce are here, beautiful day in the 70's, birds singing!
    Love, gram and gramp

  5. Hi samantha Willems and the rest of you very lucky people.Dont come anywhere nere Marshfield Wis.If you want to stay away from winter its back tonight and snowing like crazy.Talk to you when you get back love ya pappy
